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Kevin O’Donnell, Jr. Service to SFWA Award will be presented to Colin Coyle 

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA) is pleased to announce that the 2021 Kevin O’Donnell, Jr. Service to SFWA Award will be presented to Colin Coyle at the 57th Annual SFWA Nebula Awards® for his outstanding work on behalf of the organization.

The Service to SFWA Award recognizes a volunteer of SFWA who best exemplifies the ideal of service to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. In 2012, the award was renamed in honor of author Kevin O’Donnell, who dedicated 20+ years of volunteer service to the organization.

Colin Coyle

Colin Coyle will join many distinguished recipients of the Kevin O’Donnell, Jr. Service to SFWA Award, including Connie Willis, Victoria Strauss, Julia Rios, Bud Sparhawk, Lee Martindale, Vonda McIntyre, and Jim Fiscus. The award will be presented at the 57th Nebula Awards® Ceremony, taking place the weekend of May 20–22, 2022.

SFWA President Jeffe Kennedy shared the following remarks, “Summarizing all the ways that Colin has served SFWA feels almost impossible. He’s been a pillar of SFWA’s programs for years and this recognition is long overdue. I’m thrilled to add Colin to this list and I know his name on it will set a high bar for those who will follow after.”

For the last five years, Coyle has been instrumental in shepherding the audio/visual component of the annual Nebula Conference. Coyle tirelessly researched and implemented some of the first hybrid conference components seen in the industry at our Nebula Conference in Pittsburgh in 2017. With his attention to detail and expertise, SFWA was able to simultaneously stream some of our live panel and workshop events, including our business meeting, to international attendees and members. 

In 2020, when the Nebula Conference moved entirely online due to the ongoing pandemic, Coyle’s contributions ensured that the virtual Nebula Airship launched with both a professional look and feel. Seamless technical integration meant that the entire conference was now accessible to an entirely new and international audience. In a year where many were forced to stay in their homes, Coyle’s work ensured the community could celebrate together. He led the technical aspects of the Nebula Awards ceremony as well, helping to elevate the once simple stage presentation to a professionally produced show. 

In 2019, when SFWA’s publisher of the Nebula Showcase anthology suddenly ceased operations, Coyle stepped up and rescued the anthology, turning it around quickly through his own Parvus Press. This fulfilled a longtime wish of many past Board members, allowing SFWA to offer copies onsite at the Nebula Conference only a few months later and in addition to the usual retail offerings. 

In 2018, Coyle spent the majority of his time at the San Jose Worldcon volunteering in the SFWA suite. Over 350 SFWA members and their guests attended the SFWA suite that year, a record, which required record volunteer hours to manage. 

For all of this tireless work, dedication, and commitment to the organization, SFWA is proud to offer the 2021 Kevin O’Donnell, Jr. Service to SFWA Award to Colin Coyle.

The 57th Nebula Awards® will take place during the 2022 Nebula Conference, an annual professional development conference organized by SFWA for aspiring and established members of the speculative fiction industry. The conference will take place both online and in-person in Los Angeles, May 20–22, 2022. 

Nebula Awards® Showcase 55 now available!

9/9/2021 – The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA) spotlights outstanding science fiction and fantasy with the release of the Nebula Awards Showcase 55. This latest volume of the prestigious anthology series, published annually since 1966, reprints finalist and winning works for the 55th Annual Nebula Awards® , as voted by SFWA’s full, senior, and associate members.

The anthology retails for $9.99 in ebook format on most online platforms, including AmazonApple, Kobo, and for the print edition with more retailers coming soon. 

This volume’s guest editor is Catherynne M. Valente, the New York Times bestselling author of over forty works of science fiction and fantasy for adults and young readers. Valente has won a number of awards, including the Nebula, Hugo, Lambda, Otherwise, Sturgeon, and Locus. She lives on an island off the coast of Maine with her partner, son, and a magnificent cat who will not stand to be cut from any bio.

Valente remarks, “The array of nominated works span just about every corner of the genre as it stood in 2019, an incredible spectrum of voices, perspectives, styles, and tales. I’m thrilled to have been able to help in bringing them together to show the truth—which is that we are living, right now, in a new Golden Age of Science Fiction.” 

As part of the celebration of the Nebula Award winners, SFWA has partnered with audio-first entertainment studio Podium Audio to adapt, produce, and distribute the Nebula Awards Showcase 55 in audio format as well. A top publisher of science-fiction and fantasy audiobooks, Podium Audio is at the forefront of discovering new authors and voice artists from the U.S. and around the world. Publication of the audio version will be announced at a later date.

The full table of contents for the Nebula Awards Showcase 55 is below. Winners from the 55th Annual Awards are starred and include Sarah Pinsker, Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone, Fran Wilde, Cat Rambo, and A.T. Greenblatt. New essays on the 2019 SFWA Damon Knight Grand Master Lois McMaster Bujold, the Game Writing Nebula Award, and the Ray Bradbury Outstanding Dramatic Presentation Nebula Award are included, along with full reprintings of the finalist and winning short stories and novelettes and excerpts from the novels and novellas. 


    • Introduction by Catherynne M. Valente
    • “The Best of Twines, the Worst of Rhymes: A Tale of Two C++ies (or, Why Game Writing Is Bad and Great)” by Seth Dickinson
    • “Queering Chaos” by Foz Meadows
    • “Lois McMaster Bujold and Being a Grand Master” by LaShawn Wanak
    • “Give the Family My Love” by A. T. Greenblatt*
    • “The Dead, In Their Uncontrollable Power” by Karen Osborne
    • “And Now His Lordship Is Laughing” by Shiv Ramdas
    • “Ten Excerpts from an Annotated Bibliography on the Cannibal Women of Ratnabar Island” by Nibedita Sen
    • “A Catalog of Storms” by Fran Wilde
    • “How the Trick Is Done” by A.C. Wise
    • “A Strange Uncertain Light” by G. V. Anderson
    • “For He Can Creep” by Siobhan Carrol
    • “His Footsteps, Through Darkness and Light” by Mimi Mondal
    • “The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye” by Sarah Pinsker
    • Excerpt: “Carpe Glitter” by Cat Rambo*
    • “The Archronology of Love” by Caroline M. Yoachim
    • Excerpt: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker*
    • Excerpt: Riverland by Fran Wilde*
    • Excerpt: “Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom” by Ted Chiang
    • Excerpt: “The Haunting of Tram Car 015” by P. Djèlí Clark
    • Excerpt: “This Is How You Lose the Time War” by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone*
    • Excerpt: “Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water” by Vylar Kaftan
    • Excerpt: “The Deep” by Rivers Solomon, Daveed Diggs, William Hutson, and Jonathan Snipes
    • Excerpt: “Catfish Lullaby” by A.C. Wise

* Winner

Please visit our media kit for the Nebula Showcase 55 here, including social media shareables, cover art, and SFWA and Nebula logos. For more information, contact the SFWA Publications team at


SFWA Announces 56th Annual Nebula Award Winners

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 56th Annual Nebula Awards®. These awards are given to the writers of the best speculative fiction works released in 2020, as voted on by Full, Associate, and Senior SFWA members. The awards were presented at the live broadcast of the 56th Annual Nebula Awards Ceremony, hosted by Toastmaster Aydrea Walden.

The winners are as follows:


Network Effect, Martha Wells (Tordotcom)



Ring Shout, P. Djèlí Clark (Tordotcom)



“Two Truths and a Lie”, Sarah Pinsker (



“Open House on Haunted Hill”, John Wiswell (Diabolical Plots)  



A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, T. Kingfisher (Argyll) 



Hades, Greg Kasavin (Supergiant) 



The Good Place: “Whenever You’re Ready”, Michael Schur, NBC (Fremulon/3 Arts Entertainment/Universal)  


Additional awards and honors presented:


Nalo Hopkinson



Jarvis Sheffield

Ben Bova (posthumous)

Rachel Caine (posthumous)



Connie Willis


Presenters joined virtually from around the country, including SFWA President Mary Robinette Kowal, SFWA Vice President Tobias S. Buckell, incoming SFWA President Jeffe Kennedy, and writers and creatives Nisi Shawl, Carrie Patel, Mallory O’Meara, Mark Oshiro, Troy L. Wiggins, and Adam Savage. 

The ceremony can be viewed at SFWA’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

The 56th Annual Nebula Awards Ceremony airs June 5!

The winners of the 56th Annual Nebula Awards® will be announced at our annual ceremony this Saturday! SFWA members and the general public can watch live, whether or not you’re attending the Nebula Conference. As previously announced, writer and comedian Aydrea Walden will host for the second year.



The 56th Annual Nebula Awards Ceremony

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Livestreaming at 5pm PT



Last week, we released a trailer for the ceremony that gives just a glimpse of the fun and celebration we have planned for the program: This year’s presenters include Tobias S. Buckell, Jeffe Kennedy, Nisi Shawl, Carrie Patel, Mallory O’Meara, Mark Oshiro, Troy L. Wiggins, and Adam Savage. 

At both the Facebook and YouTube event links, you can set a reminder to make sure you don’t miss one of the premiere SFWA events of the year! Closed captioning will be provided. We can all take pride in recognizing the fantastic work that the speculative fiction community released in 2020.

Enjoy the show!

The SFWA Events Team

Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2021 Nebula Conference!

Update: Our scholarship applications are now closed with the exception of those for Black writers.

Scholarship for Black Writers: A part of SFWA’s BlackLivesMatter Initiative, this scholarship is open to Black writers in the U.S. and abroad. To learn more about this initiative, visit this release on the website. This scholarship is awarded outside of the lottery system and will be available until June 6th, 2021. Any interested applicants should send an email to

We’re rapidly approaching the 2021 Nebula Conference and our next Airship Nebula voyage!

Are you looking to increase the visibility of your latest book release? Wishing for a private Zoom gathering with friends during the Nebula Awards ceremony or at any time over the weekend? Interested in getting your brand in front of hundreds of conference attendees?

Share this opportunity with your publishers, agents, and other industry friends! Sponsorship is a great way to promote a book or podcast, get visibility for your business, or host a private gathering for fellow authors and clients. We’ll work with you to create a package that fits your needs and budget.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

The Nebula Sponsorship Team

Announcing Scholarships and a Store for the 2021 Nebula Conference!

For the first time, SFWA is opening a store for Nebula Conference-related gear and memorabilia. We are excited to offer this chance to stock up on SFWA and Nebula swag while simultaneously supporting our work to advocate for the speculative fiction genres and writers.

Some of that work includes providing Nebula Conference scholarships for underserved communities within the larger speculative fiction community. To that end, SFWA is offering the following scholarships for this year’s Nebula Conference:

  • Scholarship for Black Writers: A part of SFWA’s Black Lives Matter Initiative, this scholarship is open to Black writers in the U.S. and abroad. To learn more about this initiative, visit this release on the website.
  • Scholarship for AAPI Writers: A part of SFWA’s AAPI Initiative for 2021, this scholarship is available to Asian writers, Asian American writers, and writers from the Pacific Islands. To learn more about this initiative, visit this release on the website. (limited quantity: 25)
  • Scholarship for Writers Based Outside of the U.S.: In an effort to remove financial barriers that may exist for prospective attendees living abroad, we are offering a limited number of free tickets for writers living outside the U.S. (limited quantity: 25)
  • Workshop Scholarship: This scholarship is for writers who have been accepted to or attended a writing workshop from June 2020 through June 2021. (limited quantity: 25)

With the exception of the scholarship for Black writers, which will remain available for all Black writers until June 6, 2021, scholarship applications must be completed on this form by May 1, 11:59pm Eastern Time. From the applicant pool, the scholarship recipients will be selected by lottery.

SFWA’s president, Mary Robinette Kowal, had the following to say about the available scholarships, “There are a lot of gatekeepers in the publishing landscape and with these scholarships, we’re hoping that SFWA can begin to open gates for writers.”

The SFWA Store is branded as The Airship Nebula Gift Shop in keeping with the shared-world experience of the 2021 Nebula Conference Online. That shared world is one aspect of the “Airship Nebula” virtual socializing spaces that are intended to build community among attendees, offering the networking benefits of an in-person conference while hosting it fully online for a second year. Registered participants will receive $20 off their first purchase from the store.

The scholarships and the conference are open to SFWA members and nonmembers alike. For $125 registration, conference participants will gain entry to professional development panels, mentorship opportunities, office hours with experts, an archive of the content, and access to ongoing educational events throughout the following year.

Questions about the scholarships, the store, or the upcoming conference may be directed to the SFWA Events Team at

SFWA Hosts the 2021 Nebula Finalist Reception on Saturday, March 20!


This Saturday, SFWA will hold the Nebula Finalist Reception to honor the 56th Annual Nebula Awards finalists.

The 2021 Nebula Award Finalist Reception

Saturday, March 20, 2021

4pm – 8pm Pacific Time

The Nebula Finalist Reception is a night of celebration for the finalists and for participants who have already registered to attend the 2021 Nebula Conference Online. Reception attendees will be able to listen to finalists read from their nominated works, watch the Game Writing finalists demo their nominated games, visit our virtual bar, and network in our socializing spaces using Zoom.

The finalists were announced this past Monday, March 15, as part of the 2021 Nebula Awards Launch (replay on Facebook or YouTube), an evening that featured sizzle reels and performances by SAG-AFTRA narrators of the nominated works. Here is the full list of finalists for all seven Nebula Award categories.

Writers who would like to attend the reception should purchase their registrations for the 2021 Nebula Conference Online to grant them access to the event.

For $125, the June 4–6 conference will include early events like the Nebula Finalist Reception, professional development panels, virtual socializing spaces dubbed the “Airship Nebula,” mentorship opportunities, office hours with experts, an archive of the content, and access to ongoing educational events throughout the following year. Geared toward professional and aspiring writers alike, participants do not have to be SFWA members to attend the conference.

We look forward to welcoming our early registrants for the 2021 Nebula Conference and the 56th Annual Nebula Awards finalists on Saturday! For questions about the event or about the conference, please contact the SFWA Events Team at

Watch the 56th Annual Nebula Awards® Launch on March 15!

On Monday, March 15, at 5:30pm PDT / 8:30pm EDT, SFWA will livestream the announcement naming the finalists for the 56th Annual Nebula Awards®, and all are welcome to watch! The evening will be hosted by SFWA President and SAG-AFTRA performer Mary Robinette Kowal, and will livestream on SFWA’s YouTube and Facebook channels. It will include readings by SAG-AFTRA narrators, trailers, and sizzle reels for the nominated works.

Artwork by SFWA Art Director Lauren Raye Snow

Kowal shares, “I look forward to introducing the outstanding works that comprise this year’s Nebula ballot to the larger science fiction and fantasy community. Our partnership with SAG-AFTRA gives us an opportunity to highlight the power of these wonderful finalists.”

The results of the final ballot will be announced at the 56th Annual Nebula Awards® ceremony during the 2021 Nebula Conference Online, June 4–6, 2021. Open to SFWA members and nonmembers alike, the annual Nebula Conference is taking place entirely online for a second year.

For $125 registration, participants will gain entry to professional development panels, virtual socializing spaces dubbed the “Airship Nebula,” mentorship opportunities, office hours with experts, an archive of the content, and access to ongoing educational events throughout the following year.

Questions about the launch, the awards, or the upcoming conference may be directed to the SFWA Events Team at

2021 Nebula Conference Online Programming Preview

The Nebula Programming Committee has prepared a preview of the programming for the 2021 Nebula Conference Online. Though these items are neither comprehensive nor final, they represent the well-rounded, professional experience we’re aiming to deliver.

If you’re inspired to contribute more panel ideas or recommend panelists, including yourself, to weigh in on these topics or newly proposed ones, please submit your ideas on this form. Programming suggestions must be received by March 15, and panelist recommendations by April 1.

And don’t forget to register for the 2021 Nebula Conference Online! It’s taking place June 4-6, 2021Register here.

Setting Boundaries: A writing career often comes with attention—wanted and unwanted. What kinds of boundaries do you set as an author with your readers, and how do those change throughout your career? Authors across the publishing spectrum discuss how they interact with, acknowledge, and encourage their readers while maintaining personal boundaries.

Crafting the First Line: Stories range from a few sentences to tens of thousands, but one does more heavy lifting than all the others: the first. What makes it snag and what makes it sing? Authors and editors discuss what makes a first line successful at a craft level, breaking down their favorites and sharing their own strategies.

Taxes and Finances for Non-U.S. Writers Published in the United States: Publishing in the US from overseas requires getting one’s head around two or more systems of currency, banking, taxation, and international relationships. This panel cannot cover all the various treaties and situations with different countries, but it can give some starting points, issues to be aware of, options for transferring money for both traditional and independently published writers, and tips on what to do when you are offered payment in a method that no longer exists in your country.

Maintaining A Good Relationship With Your Agent: Writers are often so focused on the querying process that they’re not sure what to do once they’ve secured representation. On this panel, authors and agents discuss healthy strategies for maintaining a good business relationship—and how to know when it’s time to move on.

What Sheltering In Teaches Us About our Speculative Worlds: In Pandemic Land, those who could stayed at home while those who had to worked in the plague minefield. What does this teach us about our fantasy worlds? Is baking bread really like baking bread? How does a temper tantrum work on a generation ship when you’ve nowhere to blow off steam? And for essential workers, how does class and privilege come into play in dystopic worlds?

Hometown Heroes: Working and Writing Globally: What does success look like outside of the U.S.? It’s often assumed that “international” authors want to break into the American market, but it’s a big world out there. In this panel, writers from a variety of countries discuss their experiences, their goals, and what they might need from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers “of America.”

Writing Through Pain and Fatigue: Writers with chronic illnesses, pains, and other disabilities can find even managing regular day-to-day life a challenge, much less the added challenges of writing and publishing. Panelists discuss the methods that help them navigate these challenges, and share strategies for writers in similar situations.

How Quarantine Has Changed the Middle Grade and Young Adult Markets: The MG/YA market shifted in 2020 due to COVID, with distance-learning for kids, the cancelation of large book expos, and the temporary closure of bookstores and libraries. How will the world of bookselling and promotion look when quarantine ends? Which changes are worth keeping? Writers, agents, and editors discuss ways to stay agile as the rules begin to shift.

Middle Grade and Young Adult Literature… in Spaaaaace!: Our community has long understood the appeal of space-based science fiction, but for some reason, this sort of SF is a tough sell in the middle grade and young adult markets. What craft techniques can we use to make our science fiction more appealing to gatekeepers such as teachers and librarians who don’t necessarily see the allure? How can we spin or promote our works to overcome this barrier?

Taking Marginalization to Acquisitions: Pitching in acquisitions can be a fight—for some projects more than others. In this panel, editors discuss how they approach pitching books featuring marginalized identities and non-western inspired worlds in acquisition meetings to marketing and sales teams that might fear they are not “commercial enough.”

Bridging Verse and Prose in Speculative Writing: What can speculative fiction learn from speculative poetry, and vice versa? Our panelists discuss how their experience in one field informs the other, where the two blend, and advice for writers trying to expand or improve their repertoire.

Hanging up Your Shingle – How to Start in Freelance Editorial: Professional editorial businesses are a lively part of the publishing industry, but how does one get started? From setting up your business, deciding on rates, and advertising your services to professional etiquette and basic information about tax concerns inside and outside the US, experienced freelance editors give insights on how writers can set up their own businesses in editorial. This panel is open to writers and agents looking to become freelance editors and editors transitioning to self-employment.

By Our Powers Combined – Writing Collaboratively: Two (or more) minds can be better than one when it comes to storytelling! Authors share their collaboration stories: how group projects come to be, what strategies make for effecting idea-sharing & writing, and how to pitch their work to publishers.

Interrogating Scare Tactics – Today’s Horror Writing: The dark, the dreary, and the flat-out terrifying: horror has managed to shock and awe readers for generations. The genre also has a long and troubling history, often playing upon racist, sexist, and ableist fears of the Other. How are current horror writers subverting this sordid past? What thrilling new twists can we expect from horror writing today?

Thinking Big, Publishing Small: Too often, small presses are seen as either a stepping stone for authors who really want “Big 5” traditional publishing contracts, or a fallback for those who can’t get a deal. But many authors deliberately choose small presses. This panel explores the pros and cons, the ups and downs, and the reasons for publishing small.

Beyond Superheroes – Indie Science Fiction Graphic Novel Showcase: Some of the most interesting science fiction stories told in recent years have been in the medium of graphic novels. Join experienced creators and editors, discover new graphic novel authors and learn about the possibilities of this vital medium.

Actually Writing the Comic You Promised: These days, many graphic novels are sold to editors on proposal, often with an outline—or only a brief summary. On this panel, experienced comics writers will discuss the unique challenges of writing a graphic novel script that’s already been sold.

Transitioning To Tabletop Games Writing: Writing for tabletop games is profoundly different than writing for almost any other genre. This panel will take a look at what it takes to write well for TTRPGs, which skills transfer between mediums, and how to become comfortable with writing for both mainstream and indie tabletop games.

This Ain’t the Hero’s Journey – Writing for Video Games: Writing for video games opens a whole new world of story structure in the quest to create a compelling narrative. But how do you know which tools to use and when? This panel shares tips, tricks, and approaches that keep players engaged, maintain player agency, and craft a story that builds and engages.

Being Your Own Marketer & Publicist – Promoting Your Novel: Your novel is written, edited, and published, but how do you get readers to buy it? Indie authors are responsible for the marketing and publicity that sends readers to their sale pages. While this can sound like a daunting prospect, it doesn’t have to be! Join our panelists to explore marketing tools including newsletters, paid advertising, price promotions, blog tours, perma frees, and more, with strategies for all authors—indies, small press, and Big 5—to help get eyes on your book.

Beyond Three-Act Structure: Over and over, we’re told stories should follow the “classic three-act structure,” incorporating tension, conflict, and character arcs. But storytelling has always had myriad forms, from older oral narratives to experimental transmedia projects—and those vary between cultures and over time. Does structure really make the story? Which ones? Our panelists will question received wisdom, share their ideas on building story, and highlight various non-three-act structural approaches you can incorporate into your writing toolbox.

Writing Speculative Justice:  Many envision a new role and future for the justice system in the United States and across the world—one that is more restorative, more equitable, and more just. As writers build our own worlds, what can and should we be thinking about when it comes to justice? How does our approach to laws, crime, retribution, and restoration impact the rest of our worldbuilding, characters, and plots? How can we craft a more just future?