Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Attention SFWA 2019 Nebula Conference Attendees!

We are in need of volunteers to donate ONE HOUR of their time to assist writers by giving 15 minute one-on-one interviews in the field of your expertise.

Time slots available on all conference days!

Please contact Anne Tibbets at to volunteer!

Additionally, if you’d like to sign up to interview a knowledgeable and experienced volunteer, we have sessions available in the following categories:

‘Breaking into Business, Tech, and Ghost Writing’
‘Navigating the Business of Writing Novels’
‘How to Break into Freelance Teaching’
‘The Ins and Outs of Social Sciences and Services’
‘How to Brand and Build a Fan Base in Self Publishing’
‘How to Query Agents and What to Expect’

More will become available as we gather more volunteers!
Pay it forward and offer some one-on-one advice for a writer in need.

Please contact Anne Tibbets at

Nebula Mass Autographing Announced

SFWA Proudly Presents the Nebula Conference Mass Autographing!

At the 2019 SFWA Nebula Conference

Saturday, May 18th from 1:00PM — 3:00PM

Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills – Grand Ballroom

21850 W Oxnard St, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Featuring over 100 Authors!

  • John Joseph Adams
  • Michael Anderle
  • Marie Andreas
  • Liz Argall
  • Barbara Barnett
  • Gregory Benford
  • TJ Berry
  • Laura Blackwell
  • Brooke Bolander
  • Joseph Brassey
  • Jonathan Brazee
  • Rhett C. Bruno
  • Rob Buckman
  • Michael Cassutt
  • Mike Chen
  • Curtis C. Chen
  • Gwendolyn Clare
  • P. Djèlí Clark
  • Neil Clarke
  • Tina Connolly
  • John Peyton Cooke
  • Dan Cray
  • S.B. Divya
  • Cory Doctorow
  • Meghan Ciana Doidge
  • A.K. DuBoff
  • Andy Duncan
  • Scott Edelman
  • Eva L. Elasigue
  • Meg Elison
  • Isaac R. Fellman
  • Sheila Finch
  • Susan Forest
  • Richard Fox
  • Laura Frankos
  • Sarah Gailey
  • William Gibson
  • Laura Anne Gilman
  • Rebecca Gomez Farrell
  • W. L. Goodwater
  • A. T. Greenblatt
  • Sally Wiener Grotta
  • A. J. Hackwith
  • Joe Haldeman
  • Rachel Hartman
  • Erin M. Hartshorn
  • Kate Heartfield
  • Alyc Helms
  • Barbara E. Hill
  • José Pablo Iriarte
  • Xia Jia
  • L.S. Johnson
  • James Patrick Kelly
  • Jeffe Kennedy
  • Scott King
  • Mary Robinette Kowal
  • R.F. Kuang
  • Derek Künsken
  • David D. Levine
  • Henry Lien
  • Jenn Lyons
  • Terry Madden
  • PJ Manney
  • Lee Martindale
  • Alastair Mayer
  • Sam J. Miller
  • Mary Anne Mohanraj
  • Tina LeCount Myers
  • Larry Niven
  • Karen Osborne
  • Chrome Oxide
  • Douglas Phillips
  • Palmer Pickering
  • Sarah Pinsker
  • C.L. Polk
  • Daniel Potter
  • Lettie Prell
  • Cat Rambo
  • Rebecca Roanhorse
  • Kelly Robson
  • Lawrence M. Schoen
  • Caitlin Seal
  • Peng Shepherd
  • Elsa Sjunneson-Henry
  • Dave Smeds
  • Rosemary Claire Smith
  • Melinda M. Snodgrass
  • Caitlin Starling
  • Shanna Swendson
  • Rachel Swirsky
  • Christine Taylor-Butler
  • Lauren C. Teffeau
  • R J Theodore
  • Natalia Theodoridou
  • Harry Turtledove
  • Nicole Valentine
  • Greg van Eekhout
  • R.R. Virdi
  • Juliette Wade
  • E.D. Walker
  • Wren Wallis
  • M. Darusha Wehm
  • Yudhanjaya Wijeratne
  • Fran Wilde
  • Connie Willis
  • Gwendolyn Womack
  • William F. Wu
  • Christie Yant
  • Caroline M. Yoachim
  • Joe Zieja

And more!


50 Days and Counting

There are just 50 days before the Nebula Conference starts (May 16) and it’s almost certain to sell out! Register now.

Ten reasons why:

1. The Nebulas return to LA after ten years! Meet writers, editors, agents, and industry professionals!

2. Four days of panels and workshops designed for writers — both trad and indie!

3. Buy books at the greatest pop-up SFF bookstore in the world!

4. Sell your books through the consignment program at SFWA’s Book Depot!

5. A HUGE bag of swag — books! ARCs! graphic novels! magazines! Save room in your suitcase.

6. Mass autographing session — get your new books signed, sign others’ books!

7. New to conferences? A mentor will help you feel at home…

8. Experience to share? Be a mentor and help the community grow!

9. Nebula Conference registration is already breaking records, so memberships could sell out! Register now!

10. And — be present for the very first Nebula Award for Game Writing!

2018 Nebula Finalists with links

This year’s Nebula Finalists are now incorporated into the Nebula database with links to read and purchase here.

SFWA members can access the 2018 Nebula Awards® voter packet, containing digital e-books of nominated works, which have been graciously provided by participating publishers here. Please note that SFWA’s discussion boards require logging in first.

As a reminder, all material in the voter packet will be removed once voting closes. These works are for personal use and should not be disseminated.

Ten reasons to attend the 2019 Nebula Conference

1. The Nebulas return to LA after ten years! Meet writers, editors, agents, and industry professionals!

2. Four days of panels and workshops designed for writers — both trad and indie!

3. Buy books at the greatest pop-up SFF bookstore in the world!

4. Sell your books through the consignment program at SFWA’s Book Depot!

5. A HUGE bag of swag — books! ARCs! graphic novels! magazines! Save room in your suitcase.

6. Mass autographing session — get your new books signed, sign others’ books!

7. New to conferences? A mentor will help you feel at home…

8. Experience to share? Be a mentor and help the community grow!

9. Nebula Conference registration is already breaking records, so memberships could sell out! Register now!

10. And — be present for the very first Nebula Award for Game Writing!