The 60th Nebula Awards Finalist Announcement

Nebula Awards Conference logo, with the words "The 60th Annual Nebula Awards Finalist Announcement"

We’re on the launch pad, readying for lift-off!

Join the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association on March 12, 2025 at 5 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time for this year’s 60th Nebula Awards Finalist Announcement, in which we will announce this year’s finalists for the Nebula Awards, as chosen by SFWA members.

Subscribe to our SFWA YouTube channel to get notification of the video’s launch, or simply visit when the hour approaches. Then hop into the on-site chat window to share in the excitement with others in the genre!

SFWA members will vote for this year’s winners in advance of our 60th Nebula Annual Nebula Awards Conference, which will be held in Kansas City, Missouri from June 5-8. Whether you’ll be there in person or joining us for more Nebula activities online, we’re thrilled to have you along for the ride.

Let’s celebrate some great science fiction and fantasy together soon!

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