How to Participate: Recommending, Nominating, and Voting for the Nebulas

Nebula Awards® Eligibility

Eligibility for published works runs from January 1 – December 31 of a given year.  The finalists are usually announced the following March. The 60th Nebula Awards® for works published from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 will be given at the Nebula Awards Ceremony in late Spring 2025.

Nebula Awards®: SFWA Fiction Discussion Area

The best way to offer a work for consideration for the Nebula Awards® is to make sure that it is available for review by SFWA members. Members and non-members alike are encouraged to offer their eligible works for consideration by making them available on the Nebula Awards®: 2024 SFWA Fiction area on the discussion forum. The SFWA discussion forum is open only to members who are logged in.

Member writers, editors, publishers, and agents are free to post their own eligible works as excerpts, full copies, or links to the appropriate sub-forum categories. Posters should make sure that they have the right to post their work before doing so.

Non-members may make an eligible work available to members by sending an electronic copy to the Nebula Awards® Commissioner at The Nebula Awards® Commissioner will post the work to the appropriate sub-forum of the Fiction discussion area.

Nebula Suggested Reading List

The Nebula Awards Suggested Reading List is produced through the collaborative effort of SFWA’s 2500+ members, provided as a service in finding the year’s most noteworthy fantasy and science fiction works. As new listings are added, the Nebula Awards Commissioner must verify the eligibility of each work before it appears on the Reading List. For this reason, there is typically a delay before new recommendations become visible to other members and the public. Members recommending a work may be contacted in the event it is determined ineligible or the eligibility/category is unclear. Please note this list is not the preliminary ballot or nomination tally and does not affect the Nebula Award nominations or final results in any way.

All categories of SFWA member are eligible to contribute to the Nebula Suggested Reading List. This includes Full, Associate, Affiliate, and Senior Members.

Anyone may view the Nebula Suggested Reading List. Members must log in with Wild Apricot (Desktop/laptop: orange box in upper right corner, Mobile: three horizontal lines in upper right corner) to sort works or contribute recommendations.

Members are encouraged to make as many recommendations as they wish. There is no limit to the number of recommendations a member can make to the Suggested Reading List. Recommendations may be made at any time during the eligibility year.

Questions or list corrections should be sent to the Nebula Awards Commissioner at

Please note this list is for informational purposes only.

The Nomination Process

Full, Associate, and Senior Members (including lifetime and family iterations of these membership levels) in good standing are eligible to nominate for all Nebula Awards®.

Works must be nominated by a Full, Associate, or Senior Members with no fiduciary interest. This means not the author and not the editor, the agent, or the publisher.  The nomination period usually runs from November 15 of the eligibility year through February 28 of the next year.

An author does not have to be a member of SFWA in order for their work to be nominated.

Nebula Nominations will be cast by eligible SFWA members on the SFWA discussion board or via post during the Nomination Period, as described above.

To access the following Nebula Awards® Ballot and Reading Lists, you will need to follow the steps below.

When the Nomination Period is open, nominations may be cast online or by post.

To cast a ballot online during the Nomination Period:

1.) Please log in to the SFWA discussion boards first.

2.) Click on the link provided in your member email. If you are not logged in to the SFWA discussion boards, clicking the link may not work, and you may receive an error saying that you do not have permissions to view the page. The link will only work during the Nomination Period.

Paper nomination ballots may be requested by contacting

Nebula Awards® — How to Vote

SFWA’s Full, Associate, and Senior members (including lifetime and family iterations of these membership levels) in good standing may vote on the final ballot for the 60th Nebula Awards® (presented in 2025).

For the 2024 awards year, voting on the Final Ballot will be open shortly after the Nomination Period closes.

Full, Associate, and Senior Members will receive an email containing instructions for how to access the ballot. The Final Ballot will also be available via our member-only forums; paper ballots may be requested by contacting

Nebula Voter Packet

Each year, thanks to the generosity of authors and publishers, SFWA is usually able to offer Full and Associate Members a Nebula Voter Packet containing most or all of the nominated works in an electronic format. The voting packet is removed from the member-only forums after voting has ended. Information on accessing the Voter Packet is provided as soon as it is available.

The Nebula Award Rules